The ACCESS Interns had the opportunity to sail this past Saturday with Swiss Disabled Sailing (SDS)

Dr. Lorna Barry and Dr. Jennifer Holloway, in collaboration with Dr Jenny McMahon (University of Limerick) published their research article in April – ‘It’s up to the teacher’: a qualitative study of teachers’ use of autism evidence based practices. The article explores why there is a persistent gap in research to practice in the education of autistic children. Contact us to receive a link.

The ACCESS Interns had the opportunity to sail this past Saturday with Swiss Disabled Sailing (SDS).

Dr. Jennifer Holloway was delighted to be invited to the online information session hosted by the UN. The event provided powerful insights and discussion on the creation of inclusive environments for autistic individuals at work and within the community.

We are looking for Volunteers for our Summer Camp! Apply

One of our ACCESS interns will be participating in “La Nuit des Musées”, an event in 24 institutions offering cultural and scientific activities to all ages on the 13th of May. This year’s theme is about the 5 senses. 

Useful Information

Quiet spaces or “sensory rooms” are becoming increasingly common in public spaces, such as airports, hospitals and schools, to provide a safe and calming environment for neurodiverse individuals. Take a look at the space created at Dublin airport.

But what exactly is a quiet space?

It is a space specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals with sensory processing challenges, such as autism, which can be triggered by sensory stimuli such as certain light, noise, smell or texture. These spaces are equipped with specific items, such as dimmed lights, weighted cushions, swings, sensory toys, white noise, or calming tents, to create a calm and soothing environment.

These spaces have been found to be relaxing and calming for individuals with anxiety. The benefits of quiet spaces have been widely documented in the scientific literature. Studies have shown that quiet spaces can help reduce levels of stress, anxiety, and agitation in neurodiverse individuals. 

However, it is important to note that quiet spaces are not a universal solution for everyone.

Quiet spaces should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatments or therapy. Quiet spaces are an important example of how we can work together to create an inclusive environment.

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