Descriptive Analysis of Preschool Social Interactions

Authors Ciara Gunning – University of Galway Dr. Jennifer Holloway – ASK- All Special Kids Centre Abstract and Figures Supporting social competence in early childhood is associated with the development of friendships, positive outcomes across developmental domains, and preventing challenges in later life. However, within social skills interventions to improve social competence, identifying and selecting target social skills that are likely to be functional within a child’s environment represent a complex challenge. In the current research, descriptive analysis was employed within the preschool context, to identify the common, functional social skills that typically developing children engage in, within naturally occurring social exchanges. Environmental variables possibly correlated with social behavior within the preschool context were analyzed. An analysis of the social antecedents and consequences for social behavior was also conducted. Specific social behaviors that are likely to be functional and developmentally appropriate within the preschool context were identified. Analyses of factors are discussed in terms of recommendations for developing social skills interventions for early educational settings.Figures – available from: Journal of Behavioral EducationThis content is subject to copyright. Terms and conditions apply.Read more

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Race for Gift

May 31st, 2022 Race for Gift 2022 A huge thank you to our walkers, runners and families for raising CHF 7,000 for ASK! Click here to read about our upcoming programs and services!

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